
This Brain Hack Helps You Master Skills Faster 🤯

This Brain Hack Helps You Master Skills Faster 🤯

#Brain #Hack #Helps #Master #Skills #Faster

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كيف This Brain Hack Helps You Master Skills Faster 🤯

This little trick is huge for mastering skills on the court and in life. Micro off-line gains 🔑.

“Right after skill learning, without any additional sensory stimuli, sitting down quietly with the eyes closed for a short period of time is the most important thing. This allows the brain to replay the sequence in a way that appears important for the more rapid consolidation of the motor sequence, therefore, accelerating the learning process.” -Ethan R Buch et al. Cell Rep. 2021.

Study referenced in the video—
Consolidation of human skill linked to waking hippocampo-neocortical replay
Ethan R Buch et al. Cell Rep. 2021.

#Brain #Hack #Helps #Master #Skills #Faster
