
تحميل State of Decay 2 E3 Trailer Discussion | My Thoughts

State of Decay 2 E3 Trailer Discussion | My Thoughts

The news blew me away, so I needed a few days to collect myself, here’s my thoughts on the long- awaited Class 4 – State of Decay 2!
In this video I review the footage from E3, the official Trailer form Undead Labs and Microsoft, I talk about the creation of the game series and the hopes and prayers of zombie fans alike, now here we sit on the precipice of a whole new era of gaming, 2017 looms over us like some legendary mountain and this game sits on top like a shining beacon… let’s talk about State of Decay 2 at long last.
Multiplayer is the biggest topic here, tell me your thoughts in the comments below, what do you think about bringing your friends into this massive zombie- infested world?
Xbox’s channel! https://www.youtube.com/user/xbox
And of course the one and only Undead Labs! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP2NOm_MoASfovXVY4nGvgQ

Like zombies? Enjoy State of Decay? Check out my series! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dR__gLjhoc&index=1&list=PL7ou4EA9968V9IQKoMwgESX3gyZzVqSgx

UNDEADLABS NEWS FEED: Never miss a thing! check out all the info straight from the developers! https://undeadlabs.com/news/

Technoaxe https://www.youtube.com/user/teknoaxe

#Undeadlabs #undeadlabsofficial #StateofDecay2 #Trumbullcounty #horrorgames #openworldzombiegames #Daysgone #Class4 #class3zombiegame #E3StateofDecay2 #E3zombiegames #mythoughtsE32016


قناة GhostRobo

State of Decay 2,Humor,G mod,Markiplier,Ghostrobo,Garret Oakamber,E3,E3 best of show,State of decay footage,Undeadlabs,Horror games 2016,E3 zombie titles,The last of us,DAys gone zombies,State of Decay demo,MEdia,Angryjoe,Snarkathon,Totalbiscuit,Jim Sterling,Ghostrobo State of decay,Open world survival games,next gen zombie games,Cry engine,Made with cry engine,Crysis,G mod funnies,Zoey,LEft 4 Dead 4,Half life 3,No man’s sky,Star citizen

#State #Decay #Trailer #Discussion #Thoughts

State of Decay 2 E3 Trailer Discussion | My Thoughts

State of Decay 2 E3 Trailer Discussion | My Thoughts