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Former Tier-1 SOF Operator Aaron Cohen instructs a mid-sized Sheriff’s departement SWAT team in active shooter tactical response.

To train with Aaron online through his new streaming video series, go to: http://www.cherriesapparel.com/products/tactical-instructional-videos


Our method of tactical entry is behavioral based… making it scientific, and wrapped around what will actually happen to you when conducting high risk entries on prepared, committed terrorists WHO WILL FIRE AT YOU. Our behavioral-based entry method is safer, faster, and extremely lethal when done correctly. We realize that it’s difficult to let go of years of training that you’ve gone through; Trust us, and have a look at what we’re teaching.

The only thing that ever enters any of the rooms enters at 2400 FPS. Contrary to what you might perceive from this camera angle, at no point is Cohen ever standing in any fatal funnel, but rather he is shooting from complete cover while standing – which is a) more accurate and b) allows for him as well as multiple operators to fire simultaneously. He is posted extremely close to the wall which not only provides more cover but it provides more concealment. The farther away from the wall, the less concealment. (You’re either a guy standing in a room shooting, or your shooting at a guy standing in the room from cover). The deep corner is cleared simultaneously but again Cohen never enters the room, just his barrel and leading eye. (Cover is slightly lost when moving fast since speed is key to active shooter response.)

The power stance is designed to keep you stable while shooting as well as be able to get in and out of it quickly. The deep, flexed nature of the power stance also simulates how your body will naturally tense up in a gun fight, which is critical when training. If your body is tense and flexed already then you will be pre-aclimated when in a real gunfight. You simply have nowhere to stress up to.

This grip is about as much tension so you can fire clusters of shots extremely rapidly. We stabilize the barrel by pulling the weapon into our bodies as tight as possible. Think of a corkscrew. It’s important to make it clear that we do not and will never fire 2 to the body and 1 to the head (Mozambique). How many rounds does it take to drop or neutralize a terrorist or active shooter? No one knows….so given that fact, and the fact that the terrorist/active shooters goal is to kill as many people in the shortest period of time, we prefer to fire extremely fast clusters of rounds until the threat goes down. 2 is cool, 5 to 7 is better. And no, a one-handed C-clamp grip is not enough. Why stabilize with only one are when you have two? Descent attempt but only half way there…

BARREL NOTE: We realize our barrels are crossing the threshold…We don’t care. No one has ever nor will ever grab my barrel while rapid firing. We don’t focus on silly hypothetical “what if’s”, “maybe’s”, and “could be’s”…we focus on the now…the actual immediate threats and what’s in front of us and moving and shooting quickly. Come grab my barrel while I’m firing in the above drill or send me a video of a perp trapping yours and we’ll analyze it. Find us a better method that doesn’t compromise cover and concealment and we’re all for it. Let’s continuously evolve so we can all be safer.

We don’t run into deep corners. If’ it’s the most dangerous part of the room why would you? In fact, our enter entry method is based on using the deep corners to begin all of our entries. We flip the deep corners to our advantage to make us more lethal. We knows it’s dangerous, so we start all of our limited entry from them.

To properly learn this exact entry method train with us online (where we instruct directly to camera) go to http://www.cherriesapparel.com/products/tactical-instructional-videos


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