
BREAKTHROUGH Neural Network AI For Robotics | New Computer Vision 3D Scanner

BREAKTHROUGH Neural Network AI For Robotics | New Computer Vision 3D Scanner

#BREAKTHROUGH #Neural #Network #Robotics #Computer #Vision #Scanner

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كيف BREAKTHROUGH Neural Network AI For Robotics | New Computer Vision 3D Scanner

New transformer neural network artificial intelligence teaches robotics to perform 249 task variations with very little training. New SimpleRecon computer vision convolutional neural network to quickly and easily create 3d environments for metaverses and simulations. New Google AI teaches machine learning model how to smell odors.

AI News Timestamps:
0:00 Neural Network AI Generalizes Robotics Tasks
2:38 Computer Vision AI For 3D Environments
4:43 Google AI Machine Learning Can Smell

#ai #robot #news

#BREAKTHROUGH #Neural #Network #Robotics #Computer #Vision #Scanner

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